About Company

PrJSC “POLTAVA DIAMOND TOOLS” is a modern plant specialising in the production of diamond and CBN tools in Eastern Europe.
Annually we produce hundreds of thousands product items, dispatched to more than 70 countries around the world.Research and production base along with plant laboratories allow to expand the assortment of tools up to 10% per year.Tools quality is guaranteed by ISO 9001:2008 and complies with European safety regulation EN13236 “Safety requirements for superabrasives”.Our specialists possess a huge experience in the realm of diamond tools production and application. We are always ready to share it with the customers!
Product Catalog
Industry leader in diamond and CBN tools
Industry leader with the largest product range in Eastern Europe
57 years of perfect production quality. We have been working since 1966
Quality system of international standard ISO 9001
Product range of the enterprise - hundreds of thousands of units
Production expansion is more than 10% per year
Our company supplies products to more than 70 countries around the world
Products satisfy the requirements of Quality EN132
POLTAVA DIAMOND TOOLS is a leading enterprise in Eastern Europe for the production of high-quality diamond tools for machine building, tooling, woodworking, glass working, stone working, construction and other companies.
Feel all the benefits of cooperation with the POLTAVA DIAMOND TOOLS!