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Diamond and CBN tools for machine building, glass, woodworking and other industries.

For making ball pins

Diamond dressing rollers are an integral part of modern grinding technology and are mainly used in batch and mass production.

Diamond rollers are used for dressing abrasive wheels. Using diamond rollers, a copy of the profile of the required part is created on the surface of the working abrasive wheel. The abrasive wheel then transfers this profile to the workpiece. At the same time, diamond rollers allow you to bypass several transitions of workpiece processing at once, including turning, milling, and preliminary grinding.


Advantages of using diamond profile dressing rollers:

  • Designed to form the surface of the abrasive wheel in the shortest possible time
  • Profiling the surface of an abrasive wheel in one operation
  • Provides high accuracy even when forming very complex profiles

Each dressing roller is accompanied by a measurement protocol according to the customer’s requirements, as well as a control sample of the roller profile.


Attention: the plant also produces other shapes and sizes of diamond rollers

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