Diamond and CBN tools for machine building, glass, woodworking and other industries.
1FF1, 14FF1. CBN circles on a galvanic bundle
The universal profile of the saw teeth WM 10/30 is used when cutting soft and hard wood.
The profile of the saw teeth WM 9/29 is used for cutting hard and frozen wood.
The profile of the teeth of the saw RO-MA 8 is used for cutting soft and hard wood.
Characteristics and example of ordering a circle for sharpening band saws on wood:
form 1FF1 cipher WMS000, with dimensions 127-22,2-10-30-12,7, CBN powder CBN1-H, grain size 100/80, galvanic bundle ME:
WMS000 1FF1 127-22,2-10-30-12,7 CBN1-H 100/80 МЭ
Attention: POLTAVA DIAMOND TOOL also produces other standard sizes of this form of CBN tool.